How Senior In-Home Care Options Can Help Your Loved One Start Healthy Habits

While your family might be in the middle of dreaming about a white Christmas, the team at Qualicare wants you to remember that an important opportunity is fast approaching, which is the ability to start new in 2018. How will you help your loved one achieve his or her resolutions for the new year? Start by choosing Qualicare for senior in-home care options.

Let Our Senior Care Providers Help Achieve Resolutions for the New Year!

Making resolutions for a better, healthier new year isn’t something that’s limited to the young. During the holiday season, make it a point to spend some quality time with your loved one discussing possible resolutions he or she would like to make for the new year.

Is your loved one having a difficult time coming up with a resolution? Here are a couple ideas that can benefit his or her health and well-being!

Remember when you were younger and your mother would tell you that you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the dinner table without finishing your vegetables? Well, it’s time to turn the tables on your loved one, since as we age, the nutrients associated with fruits and vegetables become even more important.

Have your loved one consider a goal of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day in order to reap the health benefits. Help make it fun by filling your plates with a rainbow of colors with foods like spinach, collard greens, carrots, oranges and cantaloupe, which are especially nutritious.

Also, talk to your loved one about adding more physical activity into the day. If your loved one seems unwilling to exercise, it may be that he or she is actually in fear of an injury occurring. But the reality is that being physically active makes injury less likely. Therefore, it’s important to help your loved one face his or her fear and get moving.

While it’s important to fit your loved one’s exercise resolution around his or her health and ability, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends obtaining at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity during the week. And because many medical conditions we face as we age can be alleviated or helped with physical activity, it is important to get started on this resolution with your loved one as soon as possible!

Physical activity can not only help your loved one control his or her weight, but can also help to improve:

  • Balance
  • Blood Pressure
  • Mood
  • Posture

While there are so many other resolution ideas you might want to suggest to your loved one, these two are resolutions you can tackle together that will benefit the health of both of you!

You Don’t Have to Do It Alone—Our Senior Care Providers Are Here!

Are you worried that the task is too much for you? Please don’t feel you are alone when taking on the role of caregiver for your loved one. Instead, allow our knowledgeable and friendly senior care providers help you provide quality care for your loved one. Our services even include overnight nurse care when needed.

Are you looking for help improving your loved one’s quality of life? Visit the Qualicare website today to learn how our 360-degree approach to care can help meet all your requirements when considering senior in-home care options for your loved one.

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"Qualicare changed everything. Mom loves her new companion, meanwhile Jack and I have peace of mind and more time to focus on the kids. "

Janette Aldermaine