Earth Day: The Healing Power of Nature

“When I am among the trees, 

especially the willows and the honey locust, 

equally the beech, the oaks and the pines, 

they give off such hints of gladness.

I would almost say that they save me, and daily.” 

–Mary Oliver, “When I am Among the Trees”

Poets have long described the human desire for connection with nature as a way to heal our bodies and minds. Returning to the simplicity of a natural environment has a way of calming the body, and allowing our natural healing abilities to work at peak form.
Scientists have confirmed through research how spending time outside is in itself healing. A 2017 Study, “A Review of the Benefits of Nature Experiences: More Than Meets the Eye,” studies how all five senses are impacted by nature. The study concluded that time spent in nature has a sensory impact that has positive impacts on many different areas of physical and mental health.

As we celebrate Earth Day 2022, Qualicare’s in-home healthcare and senior care franchises offer information on the holistic healing that nature can offer our clients. 

Heart health improves in nature

Heart-health is nothing to take for granted. High blood pressure impacts 1 out of 3 Americans and heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. However, a simple solution to maintain and improve heart health for many people could be simply to take a walk in nature. 

A 2016 Time magazine article, The Healing Power of Nature, discusses a study by a forest therapy expert and researcher at the Chiba University of Japan, Yoshifumi Miyazaki. Miyazaki found that “people who spent 40 minutes walking in a cedar forest had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is involved in blood pressure and immune-system function, compared with when they spent 40 minutes walking in a lab.” 

The Time article goes on to say “A large June 2016 study found that nearly 10% of people with high blood pressure could get their hypertension under control if they spent just 30 minutes or more in a park each week.” As pollution is linked to a higher risk for heart attacks, it is likely that the fresh air, combined with rest in nature decreases stress levels, and promotes better heart function. 

The article also describes a study that found walking through or staying overnight in forests causes changes in blood associated with lower blood pressure. Trees and plants emit smells called phytoncides, which, when inhaled by humans, spurs biological changes with positive health impacts, similar to aromatherapy. 

Nature makes people happier & cope with pain better 

Time spent in nature has been shown to help people to move outside of their individual problems, and move toward, as the Time article notes, “experiences of awe.” Nature is a pathway to inner peace, recharging our energy and helping us stay away from “ruminating.” Ruminating, or being overly-obsessing about our problems, is heavily linked to depression. Nature helps give an exhausted mind a respite, refreshed for new goals. 

In terms of overall well being, one study cited by the The University of Minnesota’s Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing’s blog says that 95% of participants said their disposition improved after time outside. Participants said their mood “changed from depressed, stressed, and anxious, to more calm and balanced.” And other studies have shown that time in nature is associated with positive moods, meaningfulness, and vitality.

The University of Minnesota’s blog notes: “Nature helps us cope with pain. Because we are genetically programmed to find plants, water, and other natural elements engrossing, we are absorbed by nature scenes and distracted from our pain and discomfort.” 

Studies have shown that patients recovering from surgery tolerate pain better, and spend less time in hospitals when they have a view of trees. 

Nature promotes self-healing at cellular level 

Time spent in nature helps the body return to its inherent ability to heal at the cellular level, according to the previously cited study on the sensory impact of nature. Cells are dynamic units that allow our bodies to repair and regenerate. When cells are destroyed or dead, the body automatically replaces them throughout all major organ systems. 

For example, any disease or virus that impacts an individual is treated by the body’s immune system of cells. Nature has shown to have an incredible impact on our health, by helping cells remain healthy, reducing inflammation, and preventing disease by boosting our natural mechanisms of immunity.  

Our modern culture spends much more time indoors than past peoples did, focused especially on technology. The study on senses suggests that when a person stays indoors, the monotony of stimulation causes stress, which hurts cellular function. Because natural experiences flood the senses with new stimulation, stress decreases, and the body as a whole works better.

Take advantage of holistic healing in nature

Creating a habit of spending time every day in nature, and creating a more natural environment inside is a great way to take advantage of nature’s holistic healing abilities. Nature helps us activate mindfulness by responding to the natural rhythm of the world. Mindfulness gives us pleasure to help stay present and enjoy the small moments in our lives. If it is not possible to take advantage of being outdoors, photos of natural scenes and open windows have been shown to aid in healing as well. A Psychology Today article, The Healing Power of Nature, discusses a study in which participants were exposed to nature scenes. When participants viewed nature scenes, the parts of their brains linked to empathy and love lit up. An abundance of empathy and love are both shown to be strong indicators of overall health and well-being, and as Psychology Today notes, helps to “strengthen our soul.”

“Being in nature helps us connect with our soul on a more profound level. Our five senses are fully activated, and our soul develops a strong bond with the natural world. The lovely scent of trees and flowers introduces us to ethereal beauty,” the Psychology Today article says. When we are in nature, we release stress by inhaling deeply, which helps us to calm our minds, to sleep better, and to help our cells function the best they can. 

Whether you’re healing from surgery, fighting an illness, or just trying to maintain good health, make it a habit to converge with the trees!

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